Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements & resourcesTo m ask test a waveform (cont.)
Autoset the wave-
form to mask
8. Cli ck t he Aut oset button to perform a manual autoset on
the mask-source waveform.
Tip. You can choose to autoset the m ask-source
waveform to the mask anyti me you select a new mask
standard; just check Autom atic option under Autoset.
9. Select t he HiLow Method used to determi ne the High
and Low values when ali gning t he input signal to the
Mean sets the Mask Autoset t o use the mean value of
the High level (topline) and Low level (baseline), taken
within the fixed eye aperture (center 20% of the eye), to
align the input signal to t he NRZ mask.
Mode sets the Mask Autoset t o use the High level
(topline) and Low l evel (baseline), t aken across one unit
interval of the eye diagram, to align the input signal to
the NRZ mask.
start testing
10. From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Acquisition.
11. In the Acq Setup dialog box (see right ), check the
Condition option under Stop After.
12. In the Condition pulldown list, select a mask-related
criteria, such as Mask Total Hits and set a count, such
as 1, in t he count box.
These settings wil l stop acquisition when mask
violations satisfy the criteria you set here. See below.
13. Push the RUN/STOP front-panel button to restart
acquisition, if st opped.