Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements & resourcesTo save your setup (cont.)
Name your
6. Name your set up file by ei ther:
H accepting the def ault file name that appears in the
File name: text box.
H clicking in the File name text box and typing a new
name, replaci ng the def ault file name.
H clicking an existing name in t he file list (if any are
listed). Dat a in existing fil e will be overwritt en.
Tip. If y our instrument lacks a keyboard, touch or click
on the vi rt ual keyboard icon (indicated right) to display a
virtual keyboard. You can use the mouse or touch
screen with the virt ual keyboard to type entries in the
name fields and comments fields.
7. If not sel ected, select *.stp in the Save as type list box
Tip. Only change the type if you want to temporarily see
any other types of files in the current directory.
Otherwise, leave it set at *.stp.
Access to virtual keyboard
Add a comment
8. Enter a usef ul comment about each setup you save.
Write the com ment such t hat it explains the purpose of
the saved file when that fil e is l ater accessed (see right).
Tip. Use comments frequently. The comment that you
enter appears when you (or others) later select your
setup in thi s dialog box or in the Recall Setup dialog
box. In the first case, it might help you avoid overwriting
a setup you wanted to keep; in the second case, it can
help determi ne the purpose of the setups saved earlier.
Save your setup 9. Click the Save button to save the setup file. To cancel
without saving, click Cancel button.
For more
10. For more help on saving setups, click the Help button
in the Setup dialog box to access contextual hel p on
See page 3--167 to learn about using online help.
End of Procedure