Measuring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements and resourcesTo deskew between channels (cont.)
Set up the
5. Set up the channel to be used as the reference channel:
a Push the channel numbered button under Vertical
on the f ront panel .
b Use the Vertical SCALE knob and POSITION
knobs to display t he waveform edge to be
deskewed to fill the screen verti c ally.
6. Use the Horizontal SCALE knob and POSITION knobs
to display the waveform edges to be deskewed t o f ill the
screen horizontally.
Deskew the
7. Set up the channel t o be deskewed: repeat step 5 for
the channel to be deskewed.
8. Push Vertical MENU front panel button, and from the
Vertical Setup dialog box, adjust the Deskew value (see
right) to make the edges of the reference and the
deskew channel coincide (or are as close as possi ble).
9. If you cannot align the edges completely, try selecting
the reference channel and adjusting its deskew.
more channels
10. If you need to, you can deskew additional channels:
11. Turn off the channel just deskewed, and leave the
reference channel on.
12. Set up the channel to be deskewed: repeat step 7 and
step 8 for the new channel to be deskewed.
13. Continue this process for as many channels as you want
to deskew.
14. Disconnect the deskew hookup.
End of Procedure