Appendix B: Automatic Measurements Reference
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table B- 8: NRZ Measurements - Timing (cont.)
Name Definition
NRZ Phase
H Tcross1 of source1 is the time of the first crossing of either polarity on source 1.
H Tcross3 of source1 is the time of next crossing on source 1of the same polarity as
H Tcross1 of source2 is the time of the first crossing of either polarity on source 2 after
Tcross1 of source1.
H All Tcrossings are at the mi d-reference level, which is adjustable and defaults to 50%
of the NRZ eye amplitude. See NRZ Crossings on page B--64.
If enabled, measurement gates constrain the measurement region to the area between the Start
Gate (G1) and Stop Gate (G2). See To Localize a Measurement on page 3--83.
This measurement requires the use of a waveform database. When this measurement is turned
on, it will automat ically set the measurement system to use a waveform database if available.
See Use a Waveform Database on page B--70.
Phase =
Tcross1 of source2 − Tcross1 of source1
Tcross3 of source1 − Tcross1 of source1
⋅ 360
NRZ Pk-Pk Jitter The delta between t he minimum and maximum of time crossings, with the mean of the
histogram being Tcross.
Pk-PK Jitter = Tcrosspp
The Jitter At control in the Measurement Setup dialog specifies whether the jitter is to be
measured at the eye cross or at the mid-reference level. See To Localize a Measurement on
page 3--83.
The mid-reference level is adjustable and defaults to 50% of the eye amplitude.
If enabled, measurement gates constrain the measurement region to the area between the Start
Gate (G1) and Stop Gate (G2).
This measurement requires the use of a waveform database. When this measurement is turned
on, it will automat ically set the measurement system to use a waveform database if available.