CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
instruments in a network under the control of a controller. Also known as
IEEE 488 bus. It transfers data with eight parallel data lines, five control
lines, and three handshake lines.
A grid on the display screen that creates the horizontal and vertical axes. You
can use it to visually measure waveform parameters.
Graticule labels
Each graticule displays three labels. The upper and lower left labels indicate
the amplitude level at each of the upper and lower boundaries of the graticule
edges. These levels are based on the vertical scale and offset of the selected
waveform. The lower right label is horizontal scale factor of the selected
waveform expressed in units per division.
The value used as the 100% level in amplitude measurements, such as Peak
and +Overshoot. See Levels Used in Taking Amplitude, Timing, and Area
Measurements on page 3--79 for more details.
The waveform high reference level, used in such measurements as fall time
and rise time. Typically set to 90%. See Levels Used in Amplitude, Timing,
and Area Measurements on page 3--79 for more details.
Holdoff, trigger
A specified amount of time after a trigger signal that elapses before the
trigger circuit will accept another trigger signal. Trigger holdoff helps ensure
a stable display.
Horizontal Acquisition Window
A common time window or range that is applied to all channels in parallel to
determine the segment of an incoming signal that becomes the waveform
record. Trigger and horizontal controls determine the duration of this
window and its placement in the incoming signal.
Horizontal bar cursors
The two horizontal bars that you position to measure the amplitude
parameters of a waveform. The instrument displays the value of both cursors
with respect to ground and the amplitude value between the bars.
Horizontal delay time
The time between the trigger event and the acquisition of data. The time is
set indirectly by the Horizontal reference setting and the horizontal position
settings. See Horizontal Position and the Horizontal Reference on
page 3--59.
Horizontal reference point
The point about which waveforms are expanded or contracted horizontally