Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo control the Main view (cont.)
Set the horizon-
tal display
6. Push the View Main buttontomakesuretheMaintime
base view is sel ected. Use t he Horizont al knobs to scale
and position the waveform on screen and to set sample
Positioned Horizontally
Scaled Horizontally
The Resolution knob sets the record length. (See
discussion on page 3--19.)
Push the Set to 50% button if required to stabilize
Adjust the
7. To adjust the point around which the waveforms
expand and contract, c lick the Horizont al reference
and drag it l eft or right on screen.
Move the Horizontal reference along the horizontal
axis unti l it aligns to the point on the waveform you
want to be stationary on screen.
8. Release the Horizontal reference, and then adjust the
Horizontal Scale knob.
Horizontal reference
the time base
9. To quickl y rescale a portion of a channel waveform so
it expands to fi ll the 10 divis ions on screen. Click on
the screen and drag a box around the portion of the
waveform you want to zoom .