
Chapter 28 PPPoE
GS2210 Series User’s Guide
28.3.2 PPPoE IA Per-Port Per-VLAN
Use this screen to configure PPPoE IA settings that apply to a specific VLAN on a port.
Click the VLAN link in the Intermediate Agent > Port screen to display the screen as shown.
Server Trusted
Select whether this port is a trusted port (Trusted) or an untrusted port (Untrusted).
Trusted ports are uplink ports connected to PPPoE servers.
If a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer), PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-
confirmation), or PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packet is sent from a PPPoE
server and received on a trusted port, the Switch forwards it to all other ports.
If a PADI or PADR packet is sent from a PPPoE client but received on a trusted port, the
Switch forwards it to other trusted port(s).
Untrusted ports are downlink ports connected to subscribers.
If a PADI, PADR, or PADT packet is sent from a PPPoE client and received on an untrusted
port, the Switch adds a vendor-specific tag to the packet and then forwards it to the trusted
The Switch discards PADO and PADS packets which are sent from a PPPoE server but
received on an untrusted port.
Circuit-id Enter a string of up to 63 ASCII characters that the Switch adds into the Agent Circuit ID
sub-option for PPPoE discovery packets received on this port. Spaces are allowed.
The Circuit ID you configure for a specific VLAN on a port (in the Advanced Application >
PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port > VLAN screen) has the highest priority.
Remote-id Enter a string of up to 63 ASCII characters that the Switch adds into the Agent Remote ID
sub-option for PPPoE discovery packets received on this port. Spaces are allowed.
If you do not specify a string here or in the Remote-id field for a VLAN on a port, the
Switch automatically uses the PPPoE client’s MAC address.
The Remote ID you configure for a specific VLAN on a port (in the Advanced Application
> PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port > VLAN screen) has the highest priority.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses these
changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top navigation panel to
save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 109 Advanced Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port (continued)