Transom Mount - DualBeam PLUS™
NOTE: If there is excess cable that needsto
be gathered at one location (as shown in
the illustration), dress the cable routed from
both directions so that a single loop is left
extending from the storage location.
Doubling the cable up from this point, form
the cable into a coil. Storing excess cable
using this method can reduce electronic
5. Connecting the Cable
Insert the transducer cable into the appropriate terminal slot. The cable
connectors are labeled, and there are corresponding labels on the cable
holder on the rear of the control head. The slots are keyed to prevent
reversed installation, so be careful not to force the connector into the holder.
Refer to your manual and/or control head installation guide for the correct
procedure for installing the cable connectors to the control head.
1. Plug the other end of the transducer cable back into the control
head connection holder.
Your control head is now ready for operation.
6. Test and Finish the Installation
Once you have installed both the control head and the transom transducer,
and have routed all the cables, you must perform a final test before locking
the transducer in place. Testing should be performed with the boat in the
water, although you can initially confirm basic operation with the boat out
of the water.
1. Press POWER once to turn the control head on. If the unit does not
power up, make sure that the connector holder is fully seated in the
receptacle and that power is available.
2. If all connections are correct and power is available, the
Humminbird® control head will enter Normal operation.
3. If the bottom is visible on-screen with a digital depth readout, the
unit is working properly. Make sure that the boat is in water greater
than 2' but less than the depth capability of the unit, and that the
transducer is fully submerged, since the sonar signal cannot pass
through air.
NOTE: The transducer must be submerged in water for reliable transducer
4. If the unit is working properly, gradually increase the boat speed to
test high-speed performance. If the unit functions well at low
speeds, but begins to skip or miss the bottom at higher speeds, the
transducer requires adjustment.
5. If you have the correct angle set on the transducer, yet lose a bottom
reading at high speed, adjust the height and the running angle in
small increments to give you the ideal transducer position for your
boat. First, adjust the height in small increment.
Storing Excess Cable