that your speed has reduced during
normal operation, but you have
not manually slowed the throttle,
monitor your temperature gauge. If
the gauge indicates excessive tem-
peratures during operation, slow
down immediately and turn o the
engine. is indicates an engine
problem that needs to be checked by
the dealer!
Continuing to operate the boat while the temperature is above
normal operating parameters may cause serious damage to your
engine. Damage to your engine resulting from operating the
engine in an overheated condition can be costly to repair. Such
damage is not covered by your warranty!
Tower Lights Switch
(Optional Installation for All Models)
e location of the tower lights switch
(where equipped) vary by model and
should be located by the operator. In some
instances, there may be two (2) switches.
In all instances, the lights operate by using
two-position switches, one position for ON and the other for OFF.
Video Display Gauge
(Standard on MariStar 230,
MariStar 280, X-Star, X-2, X-14,
X-15, X-30, X-45, and X-80;
Optional on ProStar 214,
MariStar 200, 215 and 245)
Many MasterCra boats feature
a color display gauge. e video
display gauge is capable of display-
ing engine, boat, and Perfect Pass
speed control information.
NOTE: At press time for this Owners Manual, ad-
ditional functionality was being added to the Video
Display Gauge. All of the functions listed herein
will be available. Additional items will be described
by the brief manual provided by the manufacturer.
Information is divided into manageable pages or screens and
organized into a straightforward menu structure for presenta-
tion to the driver. Display controls, conveniently located along
the bottom of the gauge, allow rapid navigation of the menu
structure to display any desired information.
Display navigation is intuitive. Pressing the MENU button
brings up a display of the available information organized and
illustrated as le tabs with each tab representing a screen of
information. Repeatedly pressing
the MENU button shues the tabs
to bring a new tab to the top of the
stack. Pressing the SELECT but-
ton initiates the screen represented
by the tab on the top of the stack.
e system anticipates the need to
display information and auto-
matically brings up certain screens
when they are necessary. For
example, the system automatically
displays a related screen when it
senses any of the following events:
• Adjusting the trim brings up
the Trim screen
• Adjusting the ballast brings up
the Ballast screen
• Pushing the Perfect Pass but-
ton brings up the Perfect Pass
• Any alarm condition brings up
a warning screen
Selecting the DEPTH tab goes
to the screen illustrated follow-
ing. is screen digitally displays
depth, water temperature, air tem-
perature, and illustrates the depth
trend. e system also has a user
adjustable depth alarm that can be
adjusted from the SETUP tab.
Selecting the BALLAST tab goes
to the screen illustrated below. It
allows the driver to see the status
of all the ballast tanks installed
in the boat. is tab is a plug and
play tab so uninstalled ballast
tanks do not appear on the screen.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 5-9