corrosion prevention
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion (electrolysis) to the boat is the decomposition
of metal due to the eects of electrolytic action. When two (2) dis-
similar metals are immersed in a conductive uid (e.g., salt water),
an electric current is produced, much like the action of a battery.
As the current ows, it takes with it tiny bits of the soer metal. If
le unchecked, severe damage may occur over time.
If the boat is operated in salt, polluted or brackish waters, even
temporarily, the boat should be equipped with a transom-
mounted zinc anode to prevent damage to those metal parts
coming in contact with the water.
e zinc is, by design, self-sacricing. It is slowly eroded away by
electrolytic action and requires periodic inspection for deterio-
If the zinc shows extreme erosion, it must be replaced to con-
tinue protection, or damage to other metal parts may result.
MasterCra Saltwater Series boats come equipped with the zinc
anode. For fresh water boats that may be operated in polluted
or brackish water, an authorized MasterCra dealer can provide
guidance in securing and installing a zinc anode for protection.
Salt Water Corrosion
e boat has been designed for operation in fresh water unless
it is a model in the MasterCra Saltwater Series. If operating
a fresh-water model temporarily in salt, polluted or brackish
water, thoroughly ush the boat with fresh water as soon as
possible aerward. e entire engine cooling system should be
ushed with fresh water for at least ten (10) minutes aer each
use in such waters.
Boats operated continuously in salt water
should be equipped with the closed cool-
ing system to preserve engine life.
Marine Growth
If accelerated marine growth is a problem
in the area in which the boat will gener-
ally be operated, an anti-fouling bottom
paint may be necessary to slow growth
while protecting the gel coat.
Before selecting a bottom paint, talk with
other boaters and an authorized Mas-
terCra dealer’s service department to
determine the product that works best in
the area. Many local variables may also
aect the selection of paint. Be sure to
follow the paint manufacturer’s directions
Be sure all fasteners used are approved and rated for marine use.
Most fasteners used on MasterCraft boats are stainless steel or
specially coated to resist corrosion.
Use of improper parts may cause component or engine failure.
Such failure may result in death or serious injury!
Stainless Steel and Chrome
Stainless steel and chrome-plated parts are not totally resistant
to corrosion. Occasional cleaning and polishing with a marine
chrome-and-stainless polish will maintain and extend the life of
these parts. In salt water areas, it is imperative that you thoroughly
rinse all hardware with fresh water and apply a light coating of
protective oil to enhance the appearance aer each use.
Exposure to salt water will cause corrosion leading to signicant
damage to stainless steel and chrome parts. Failure to thoroughly
rinse salt water from all hardware, and to apply protective oil
after each exposure to salt water, will accelerate the corrosion of
hardware and will void your warranty.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 12-1