lights, which are mounted on the charger face, indicate when the
unit is recharging and maintaining the batteries.
Before charging a battery, do not operate the charger if the ca-
bles or an LED is damaged. Be sure that all accessories are OFF.
If the battery or batteries must be removed from the product,
always remove the grounded terminal from the battery rst. Be
sure that the area around the battery is well ventilated while the
battery is being charged. Also ensure that the battery terminals
are free of corrosion. (See the Scheduled Maintenance section of
this Owner’s Manual for additional battery information.)
If the battery charger ever appears to be malfunctioning, see
your authorized MasterCra dealer for assistance.
When charging, batteries generate small amounts of danger-
ous hydrogen gas. This gas is highly explosive. Keep all sparks,
ames and smoking well away from the area. Failure to follow
instructions when charging a battery may cause an electrical
charge or even an explosion of the battery, which could result in
death or serious injury.
Canvas Covers
One of the most popular options for MasterCra boats are the
variety of canvas covers available. Speak with an authorized
MasterCra dealer for details about what is available for each
model. MasterCra strongly recommends having an authorized
MasterCra dealer perform the installation as snap installation
can cause “crazing” (unwanted spider-web-like lines in the gel
coat) if the installation is not done correctly.
On-going care of the canvas is required to keep the material in
good condition for the life of the boat. See Cleaning the Boat sec-
tion of this Owner’s Manual for more information.
Note that towing with unapproved covers on the boat may result
in damage to the gel coat. MasterCra recommends the use
of our towable cover only for towing. Other canvas and covers
have been developed and are available only through authorized
MasterCra dealers for a variety of uses.
On many models, a removable cooler is included, particularly on
models that do not have cold plates or a refrigerator. As with any
similar Igloo-type cooler, routine cleaning with warm soapy wa-
ter is advised aer each use. Check also whether anything from
inside the cooler has been spilled or in some manner ended up
in the storage area in which the cooler is kept. is should be
cleaned up immediately to avoid mold, mildew, stains or other
damage that is not covered under warranty.
Food items or anything that can create an odor should not be
le in the cooler. Neither should anything that can leak be le in
these units as they could potentially damage the cooler, and this
type of damage is not covered under warranty.
Fire Suppression and Extinguishing
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 19-2