One way to avoid the ICD risk is to increase helium content in the
35/10 gas mixture to a 35/25 Trimix mixture. This would keep the
changes in partial pressure at a safe level and remove the danger of
sudden ICD.
3.21 Oxygen calculations
During a dive, Suunto EON Steel calculates partial pressure of
oxygen (pO
), central nervous system toxicity (CNS%) and
pulmonary oxygen toxicity, tracked by OTU (oxygen toxicity units).
The oxygen calculations are based on currently accepted exposure
time limit tables and principles.
By default in Air/Nitrox dive mode, CNS% and OTU values are not
displayed until they reach 80% of their recommended limits. When
either value reaches 80%, EON Steel notifies you and the value stays
in the view. In default Trimix mode, CNS% and OTU values are
displayed in the bottom-right corner field as scrollable info.
NOTE: You can customize views to always show CNS% and OTU.
3.22 Personal and altitude adjustments
There are several factors that can affect your susceptibility to DCS.
Such factors vary between divers, as well as from one day to
The personal factors which tend to increase the possibility of DCS