
Digitizers Command Reference 107Chapter 3
TRIGger:SLOPe[<n>]? queries the present setting for the slope of the trigger
signal for the trigger source (1 or 2) specified. Trigger slope for source
number 1 is returned if <n> is not designated. Trigger slope applies only for
TRIG:LEVel when the trigger source is INTernal or EXTernal. The command
returns “POS” or “NEG”.
TRIGger:SOURce[<n>] BUS | EXTernal | HOLD | IMMediate | INTernal1-4 |
sets the source of the trigger for all channels or can disable the
trigger source. The command defaults to trigger source number 1 if <n>
is not designated.
Two trigger sources are allowed, TRIG:SOUR1 and TRIG:SOUR2, which
are common to ALL channels on the E1563A and E1564A. SOUR1 is not
associated only with channel 1 and SOUR2 is not associated only with
channel 2.
Must Use INITiate: TRIGger:SOURce only selects the trigger source. You
must use INITiate to place the digitizer in the wait-for-trigger state.
TRIGger:SOURce EXT: TRIGger:SOURce EXT uses the External Trigger
In Port “Trig” pin (on the D sub-miniature connector) as the trigger source.
The digitizer triggers on the falling (negative-going) edge of a ± 5V TTL input
signal (maximum input is +5V peak to the “Trig” pin).
TRIGger:IMMediate: TRIGger:IMMediate causes a trigger to occur
immediately provided the digitizer is placed in the wait-for-trigger state
using the INITiate command.
Using GET or *TRG: When a Group Execute Trigger (GET) bus command or
*TRG common command is executed and the digitizer is not in the
wait-for-trigger state, the “Trigger ignored” error is generated.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<n> numeric 1 or 2 none
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<n> numeric 1 or 2 none