60 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: All channels set to 0.0 volts
CALibration:VALue? queries the present setting of the calibration voltage.
CALibration:ZERO[<channel>] [<samples>][,<rate>] initiates an offset
calibration for the current range on the specified channel using an internal
Comments Steps Before Executing a Zero Calibration: The following steps must be
completed prior to executing a zero calibration. Errors will result if these
steps are not performed before CAL:ZERO.
1 Set the CAL:STATe ON to allow calibration to occur.
2 Set the digitizer to the desired range and filter on the channel you
want to calibrate with VOLTage[<channel>]:RANGe <range>,
INPut[<channel>]:FILTer:FREQ <freq>, and :FILTer:STATe ON|OFF.
Voltage Range Max DC Voltage
(absolute value)
0.0625 0.061256409
0.2500 0.245025635
1.0000 0.980102539
4.0000 3.920410156
16.0000 15.00
64.0000 not used
256.0000 not used
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
samples numeric 25 to 4000 | DEFault none
rate numeric 1.25E-6 to reference period
* 8,388,607 | DEFault