
88 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
IEEE-488.2 Headers: Both PACKed and REAL formats return data preceded
by the IEEE-488.2 definite length arbitrary block header. The header is #
<num_digits> <num_bytes>, where
# signifies a block transfer
<num_digits> is a single digit (1 through 9) which specifies how
many digits (ASCII characters) are in <num_bytes>
<num_bytes> is the number of data bytes which immediately
follow the <num_bytes> field
Executable when initiated: YES
Coupled command: NO
Reset (*RST) condition: none
[SENSe:]DATA:COUNt? returns the number of readings available to be read
by the DATA? command per channel. This is useful for determining
the amount of data taken in an aborted measurement. The data count from
a completed measurement is equal to the sample count set by
[SENSe:]DATA:CVTable? (@channel_list) returns the most recent reading
taken from each specified channel. The last reading (
Current Value) from
each channel is returned in channel number order starting with the first
one in the list.
Comments Addressing Channels: channel_list has the form (@1) or (@2), (@1,2),
(@1:4) or (@1,2,3,4). For specific channels, but not all, the format is
(@1,3,4). If you do not specify channels in ascending order, such as
(@2,1) or (@3,4,2), they are rearranged as 1,2 or 2,3,4 respectively.
PACKed Format Data: Data are returned as raw data (16-bit integers) when
the data format is set to PACKed (see the FORMat[:DATA] PACKed
command). To convert the raw readings to voltages, use voltage = reading
* range/32768 or voltage = reading * resolution (use [SENSe:]VOLTage
[:DC]:RESolution? to obtain the resolution value).
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
channel_list numeric 1-2 (E1563A)
1-4 (E1564A)