
Digitizers Command Reference 51Chapter 3
CALCulate[<channel>]:LIMit:LOWer[:STATe] OFF | 0 | ON | 1 enables the
lower limit checking for the specified channel. Use :LIMit:LOWer:
DATA <value> to set the actual limit value to be tested against. This
command returns the voltage level measured and the detection mode.
A returned value of “0” indicates the specified channel is disabled for lower
limit checking. “1” returned indicates the specified channel is enabled and
will detect signals below the specified lower limit.
Comments Executable When Initiated: YES
Coupled command: YES. Setting the lower state ON will cause
LIMit:UPPer[:STATe] to be set OFF (if it is ON).
Lower Limit Enable Error: An error will be generated if you have
TRIG:SOURce set to INT1-4 and the internal input is the same as the
channel you are attempting to enable for lower limit testing. For example,
assume TRIG:SOUR INT2 is set. The trigger level from channel 2 is the
trigger event that is the internal trigger input. CALC:LIMit:LOWer:
STATe ON is attempting to use this signal for limit testing and creates a
settings conflict. Either the trigger level can be used as an internal trigger
or the level can be used in limit testing, but not both.
Reset (*RST) Condition: OFF
CALCulate[<channel>]:LIMit:LOWer[:STATe]? queries the lower limit
checking state to see if it is enabled or disabled for the specified channel.
“1” returned indicates the specified channel is enabled for lower limit
checking. “0” returned indicates the specified channel is disabled for lower
limit checking.
CALCulate[<channel>]:LIMit:UPPer:DATA <value> | MIN | MAX sets the upper
limit value you want to test against. CALCulate:LIMit:FAIL? will return a “1”
following the measurement (and prior to the next measurement) if the input
signal rose above the specified upper limit value and LIM:UPP:STATe is
ON. A “0” is returned if the limit was not exceeded.