Digitizers Command Reference 57Chapter 3
Maximum Voltages for Each Range: The absolute maximum voltages for
each range are shown in the next table. The values are approximately 98%
of full scale.
Specifying Parameters: Optional parameters that are left blank are filled
from left to right. Therefore, it is necessary to use the syntax DEFault to
note that a particular parameter is to use the default value.
For example, to specify a sample rate other than the default, you must
declare DEFault for the <readings> parameter or the <rate> parameter
value you intended will be used to fill in the <readings> parameter. The
command for channel 1 would appear as: CAL:GAIN1 DEF,.002. If you are
calibrating the 16V range and you want to recalculate the 64V and 256V
calibration constants, the command is: CAL:GAIN1 DEF,.002,ON.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: None
CALibration:SOURce INTernal | EXTernal specifies the calibration source to
be used for any subsequent gain calibrations. “EXTernal” is the default
source and a voltage must be provided from an external source to the
channel being calibrated.
Comments INTernal Source: The INTernal source is available only on the E1564A
4-Channel Digitizer. CAL:SOURce INTernal outputs the specified DAC
voltage set by CAL:DAC:VOLT <voltage> onto the calibration bus where
it is applied internally to the channels. The INTernal source is also available
on the Calibration Bus Output connector.
Measuring Calibration Voltage: From the Calibration Bus Output connector,
you must measure the voltage with a transfer standard (accurate voltmeter)
and enter the measured value using the CAL:VALue command. The
calibration gain command then sets calibration constants for the value you
input assuming it is the value on the calibration bus.
Voltage Range Max DC Voltage (absolute value)
0.0625 0.061256409
0.2500 0.245025635
1.0000 0.980102539
4.0000 3.920410156
16.0000 15.68164062
64.0000 not used
256.0000 not used