Digitizers Command Reference 81Chapter 3
Comments Using the <count> Parameter: <count> must be a positive number and not
greater than the sample count -1. This count specifies the portion of the total
SAMPle:COUNt that will be sampled prior to the trigger. A trigger is ignored
if it occurs before the pretrigger count is met.
Sampling Operation: If the specified number of pretrigger samples (<count>)
have been taken and a trigger has not yet occurred, the digitizer continues
to sample the input signal. The digitizer retains the most recent pretrigger
samples specified by the number “<count>” when the trigger does occur.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: NO
Reset (*RST) condition: 0 pretriggers
SAMPle:PRETrigger:COUNt? [MIN | MAX] returns the number of pretrigger
samples each channel will make prior to each trigger. The number of
pretriggers returned is common to all channels.