114 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
*TST? causes the E1563A and E1564A Digitizers to execute an internal
self-test and returns the number of the first failed test.
Comments *TST? Responses: A zero response indicates the self-test passed.
Any non-zero response indicates the test failed. Input the failed test
number into the TEST:ERR? <number> command. The returned values
from this command will be the result code and a string. See Appendix C
for information on interpreting the result code and string.
Comments Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: NO
Reset (*RST) condition: none
*WAI causes the E1563A and E1564A Digitizers to wait for all pending
operations to complete before executing any further commands.
Comments *WAI Operation: *WAI will not wait for all measurements to complete when
an INIT command is executed to start measurements. *WAI considers INIT
finished once it is processed, although the instrument may still be taking
measurements. In this case, the instrument will move on to the next
command following *WAI while measurements are being taken.
Executable when initiated: YES
Coupled command: NO
Related commands: *OPC, *OPC?
Reset (*RST) condition: none