Digitizers Command Reference 63Chapter 3
The DIAGnostic subsystem contains several commands that were
developed to test the instrument at the factory. Some of these commands
may prove useful for isolating problems or for use in special applications.
Subsystem Syntax DIAGnostic
DAC:GAIN[<channel>] <value>
:DAC:OFFSet[<channel>] <voltage>
:DAC:OFFSet[<channel>]:RAMP <count>
:DAC:SOURce <voltage>
:DAC:SOURce:RAMP <count>
:INTerrupt:LINE 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
:MEMory:SIZE <size>
:PEEK? <reg_number>
:POKE <reg_number>,<data>
:SHORt[<channel>] ON | 1 | OFF | 0
DIAGnostic:DAC:GAIN[<channel>] <value> writes the specified value to the
calibration gain DAC of the specified channel. This command is a factory
diagnostic routine.
Comments Input Signal Required: There must be a signal on the input for this command
to work properly. Any offset value set by DAC:OFFSet <voltage> is used by
the DAC when the DAC:GAIN command is sent. The gain is set on the
specified channel.
DAC Outputs: A positive full scale input combined with a DAC gain value of
255 will result in a +2.5V output from the DAC. A negative full scale input
combined with a DAC gain value of 255 will result in a -2.5V output from the
DAC. A DAC gain value of 0 will result in 0V output in both cases.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: None
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
value numeric 0 to 255 none