Digitizers Command Reference 61Chapter 3
Using Optional Parameters: Optional parameters that are left blank are filled
from left to right. Therefore, it is necessary to use the syntax DEFault to note
that a particular parameter is to use the default value. For example, to
specify a sample rate other than the default, you must declare DEFault for
the <readings> parameter or the <rate> parameter value you intended will
be used to fill in the <readings> parameter. The command for channel 1
would appear as: CAL:ZERO1 DEF,.002.
Number of Samples and Sample Rate: The number of samples and the
sample rate would normally be set to DEFault values to provide averaging
over an integral number of either 50 Hertz or 60 Hertz power line cycles. This
allows the calibration to cancel out any noise that is periodic with the power
supply. Specifying a value other than DEF for <samples> and/or <rate> will
result in those values being used for the zero offset calibration.
Executable when initiated: No
Coupled Command: No
Reset (*RST) Condition: None
CALibration:ZERO[<channel>]:ALL? [<samples>][,<rate>] initiates a zero
offset calibration for all ranges on the specified channel using an internal
short. The command returns “0” if the calibration was successful or returns
a non-zero value if an error occurred while calibrating one of the ranges.
Non-Zero Error Values: A non-zero return value contains the failed ranges
as high bits in the lower word. For example, a return value of
0000000000100001 has a lower word of 00100001 which indicates range 0
(bit 0 = 0.0625V) and range 5 (bit 5 = 64V) failed. The error string in
SYST:ERR? contains information about the failure on the highest range
that failed (range 5, 64V). If an error occurs on any range, calibration
proceeds on to the next range, and the bad range is noted.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
samples numeric 25 to 4000 | DEFault none
rate numeric 1.25E-6 to reference period
* 8,388,607 | DEFault