Digitizers Command Reference 55Chapter 3
CALibration DAC Errors: There is no calibration DAC output for the 64 volt
and 256 volt ranges. See the CALibration:GAIN command for more
information about the calibration of these two ranges. An error will occur if
the voltage value specified is greater than that allowed for the present range
setting. You must set the desired range prior to setting the calibration DAC
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: 0.0 Volts
CALibration:DAC:VOLTage? MIN | MAX queries the setting of the calibration
DAC (E1564A 4-Channel Digitizer only). The DAC voltage is output to the
calibration bus and accessible at the front panel External Trigger
Input/Calibration Bus Output Connector (CAL-H and CAL-L) only if the
CALibration:SOURce is set to INTernal. The MIN parameter returns the
minimum voltage available from the DAC and MAX returns the maximum
voltage available from the DAC.
CALibration:DATA? returns the calibration constants currently stored in
non-volatile calibration memory.
CALibration:GAIN[<channel>] [<readings>|DEF][,<rate>|DEF][,ON|1|OFF|0]
initiates a gain calibration on the channel specified. The ON parameter will
cause the 64V and 256V ranges to be indirectly calibrated from the 16V
range gain calibration. The ON/OFF parameter is ignored except for a gain
calibration of the 16V range.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
readings numeric 25 to 4000 | DEFault none
rate numeric 1.25E-6 to reference period
* 8,388,607 | DEFault