
70 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
DIAGnostic:SHORt[<channel>] ON | 1 | OFF | 0 connects an internal short
across the input of the specified channel when the “ON” or “1” parameter is
used. The internal short is enabled by “ON” or “1” and disabled by “OFF” or
Comments Short Remains in Effect Until Disabled: The short remains in effect until a
reset or until it is disabled with DIAG:SHORt[<channel>] OFF.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: Short OFF
DIAGnostic:SHORt[<channel>]? queries the specified channel to determine
if the internal short is connected. This command returns “1” if the short is
present or returns “0” if it is not present.
DIAGnostic:STATus? returns the status of bits in the instrument's interrupt
sources register (offset 08
- see Appendix B). A high value in a bit location
indicates a particular event has occurred. The bit positions and their
meanings are as follows:
Bit Event Represented When Bit is High
0 Channel 1 limit was exceeded or channel 1 trigger level was exceeded.
1 Channel 2 limit was exceeded or channel 2 trigger level was exceeded.
2 Channel 3 limit was exceeded or channel 3 trigger level was exceeded.
3 Channel 4 limit was exceeded or channel 4 trigger level was exceeded.
4 An input overload occurred and the input relay opened.
5 The pre-trigger count has been met.
6 The measurement has completed normally, or available memory has
been filled and the measurement was halted.
7 A valid trigger event was received after the pretrigger acquisition (if any)
was completed.