
Quick Reference Summary and Shortcuts 239
Double-click 236
Shift-click 239
Working with icons 239
Selecting icons 239
Opening an icon 240
Moving, copying, and renaming an icon 240
Working with windows 240
Making a window the active window 240
Moving a window and changing its size 240
Scrolling through the contents of a window 241
Opening higher-level folder windows 241
Using the outline form in list views 242
Working with menus 242
Choosing an item from a menu 243
Choosing an item from a submenu 243
Keyboard shortcuts in the Finder and in directory
dialog boxes 244
Troubleshooting 245
The PowerBook 245
Power 247
The screen 249
Memory 250
SCSI devices 250
Disk drives and disks 251
Modems 254
Printers 254
Networks 256
Application programs 257
xii Contents