labeling floppy disks 12
Label menu 139, 142, 148
labels, file 142
Labels control panel 148
LaserWriter. See also fonts; printers
background printing with 181
choosing 174
connecting 229
downloading fonts to 184–185
fonts available for 186
Page Setup options for 176
printing on 178–179
restarting 187
selecting in Chooser 174
transferring PostScript file to 188
turning start page on or off 187
LaserWriter Font Utility program 184,
licensing agreements
file sharing and 202
software installation and 92
lightning bolt icon 104
linking programs 218–222
list views 142, 158, 242
LocalTalk cables 191
locked files, searching for 139
aliases 118
files 118, 253
floppy disks 81, 117, 253
folders 118
log files, printer 188
long-term storage 103, 235
low-power input devices 229, 247
low-power messages 102–103
Macintosh Basics tour
finding 20
starting from floppy disk 20, 24–25
starting from hard disk 20–23
versus book’s tutorial 19
Macintosh desktop computer, connecting
to 199
Macintosh HD icon, opening 41, 78
Macintosh user groups 237
MacWrite format, converting to and from 265
magnifying screen image 170–172
maintenance instructions 26–28
Make Alias command 134, 196
malfunctions, computer 235
Map control panel 269–272
megabyte (MB) 75
member of a group. See registered group
memory. See also RAM disk; random-access
memory (RAM); virtual memory
adding 231
AppleTalk and 161
checking use of 97, 161, 231
disk cache and 162, 250
fragmentation of 161
management tips 161–162
programs’ use of 97, 161–162
system sleep and 111
32-bit addressing 164
troubleshooting 245–258, 250
using hard disk space as
memory 163–164
Memory control panel
disk cache size 162
RAM disk 99–100
32-bit addressing 164
virtual memory 109, 163–164
menu bar 16
adjusting blinking of items in 157
choosing items from 243
commands in 40
keyboard shortcuts 66
overview 52
pop-up 243
pull-down 38, 242
Quick Reference 242–244
submenus 243–244
titles (names) of 16
viewing 38
microphone 7, 167, 230
modem port 7, 174, 228, 248
284 Index