
Naming a registered user
You can register as many as 100 people and groups combined, but
for best network performance you should name no more than 50.
1. Choose Control Panels from the Apple (K) menu and
open the Users & Groups icon.
2. Choose New User from the File menu.
An icon labeled New User appears. Its name is selected
for editing.
v If you can’t find the New User command: Make sure the
Users & Groups window is active. v
3. Type the name of a person you want to register.
Make sure you notify the person of the name you type.
(Capitalization does not have to match.)
4. To register more users, repeat steps 2 and 3.
To assign passwords or to name groups of users, continue
with the next two sections. If you want to start sharing
immediately, go to “Selecting a User or Group to Share a
Folder or Disk,” later in this chapter.
Chapter 12: Using Your Computer on a Network 203