
About This Macintosh command 161, 164,
accent marks, typing 260–261
access privileges.
See also file sharing; guests;
network; passwords
checking 217
icons and 217
restricting 201, 207–208
set by others 217
setting 214–215
strategies for using 215–216
turning off 209–210
types of 213–214
active programs 58–62
identifying 95
active window 42–46
printing contents of 179
ADB. See Apple Desktop Bus (ADB)
air travel tips 233–234
Alarm Clock 149–150
setting date and time with 149
connecting to shared disks with 196
creating 134
locating original of 135
locking 118
searching for 139
troubleshooting 134–135
uses for 134
amplifiers 230
APDA (Apple Programmers and Developers
Association) 238
AppleCare Service Agreement 236
Apple Communications Library 237
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) 7, 229
Apple Developer Programs 238
Apple File Exchange
converting files with 265–267
initializing disks with 263–264
Apple HDI-30 SCSI System Cable 224,
227, 266
Apple HD SC Setup program 113–114,
127, 130
Apple menu. See also control panels; desk
accessories (DAs)
adding items to 92, 135, 146
aliases and 134
pulling down 38
removing items from 135, 146
troubleshooting 135
Apple Menu Items folder 146
AppleShare extension 161
AppleShare icon 193–194
AppleShare PC program 266
choosing printers and 174, 175
installing 192
memory management and 161
sleep and 192
turning on/off 191–192
AppleTalk Remote Access 161
AppleTalk zones 175
Apple Technical Library 236
Apple II ProDOS file format 263, 265