
Pop-up menus often appear in dialog boxes that you use to set
options or preferences. You can recognize a pop-up menu by a
small solid triangle, pointing down, next to its name. The name
shows the current option or preference.
Choosing an item from a menu
To choose a command from a menu, point to the menu name,
press to “pull down” or “pop up” the menu, drag to the item you
want to choose so that it’s highlighted, and then release the
mouse or trackball button.
Choosing an item from a submenu
Some menu items are submenus. A submenu name has a small
solid triangle next to it, pointing to the right. The submenu opens
when the submenu name is highlighted.
To choose an item in a submenu:
1. Point to the menu name and press to open the menu.
continues .
Quick Reference 243
Pressing the triangle
displays the menu
(but does not allow
you to choose a
menu item).
Pressing the menu title or the icon displays
the menu and selects the title (allowing you
to choose a menu item by dragging to it).
Pop-up menu (closed)