A program doesn’t work, or malfunctions consistently.
m You may have more than one copy of the program on your
hard disk. Remove extra copies by dragging them to the Trash.
m The program may be damaged. Recopy it from a known good
source (such as the original program disk).
m Your version of the program may be incompatible with your
system software. Consult the software manufacturer to find
out which version of the program you should be using.
m The program may be using less memory than it needs to work
with your documents. Choose Get Info from the File menu
and increase the memory size.
A message says that a program could not be found.
m You may be trying to open a document created with a
program you don’t have on your computer, or created with a
different version of the program. Obtain the correct program
and version. Or open the document with another program
that can read its format. (If another program can open a
document, the program icon becomes highlighted when you
drag the document icon to it.)
You just did something you didn’t mean to do.
m If you have not yet taken any other action, you can usually
undo your most recent action (even if you aren’t sure what it
was). Most programs have an Undo command in the Edit
menu (
x-Z). Choose Undo to go back one step in your work.
You cannot undo more than one action.
See the documentation that came with your programs for more
information about their operation and features.
258 Quick Reference