
fax/data modem 228
file exchange 263–267
File menu
Close Window command 50, 79
Download Fonts command 185
Download PostScript File command 188
Duplicate command 70
Find Again command 136
Find command 136–139
Get Info command 97, 118, 141
Initialize Printer’s Disk command 186
Make Alias command 134, 196
New Folder command 132
New Group command 204
New User command 203
Open command 41
Page Setup command 176–178
Preferences command 181
Print command 178–179
Print Desktop command 179
Print Window command 179
Put Away command 80, 126, 195
Save command 57–58, 65–66
Sharing command 199, 201–202, 206, 209,
files. See also documents; file sharing; System
Folder; system software
adding to System Folder 146–147
aliases for 134–135
backing up 8–12, 119–122
closing 60, 69
converting to and from MS-DOS
format 265–267
copying 69–70, 253
deleting 71–72, 253
getting information about 141
labels for 142
locating 134–135, 136–139
locking and unlocking 118, 253
naming 133
opening 61–62, 69
opening automatically 146
organizing 131
overview 51–52
program versus document 51–52
RAM disk and 99
removing from System Folder 147
restoring from backup copies 123–125
saving 57, 133, 253
straightening up 131
transferring 143
file servers 193, 194, 266
file sharing 190, 199–212. See also access
privileges; guests; network
access privileges for 201, 213–215
ceasing to share a folder 202
changing ownership of a folder 197, 199,
209, 213
changing your password 197–198,
checking access privileges 217
copyright laws and 202
creating a shared folder 197
disconnecting someone from your
computer 211
giving away ownership of folders or
disks 209
memory management and 161
monitoring 210
naming users and groups for 203–205
passwords for registered users 204
preventing access to your disk 207–208
reconnecting to shared disks 209
removing users or groups 208
selecting folders or disks to
share 201–202
selecting users or groups for
sharing 206–208
sharing your own files 199–202
taking back shared folders or disks 202
turning off 207–208, 209–210
turning on 200
turning on guest access 200–201
viewing names of group members 205
File Sharing icon 192
File Sharing Monitor 210–211
file translators 263, 265
Find Again command 136
Find command 136–139
Find dialog box 136–139
280 Index