registered user
access privileges of 213–215, 216
changing password of 197–198
connecting to a shared disk as 197
creating a folder as 197
denying access to 207–208
disconnecting 211
folder ownership and 197, 209
naming 203–204
passwords for 204
program linking and 221–222
removing 208
sharing your files with 206
typing name and password 193, 194, 213
reinstalling system software
from a shared disk 92
from floppy disks 91, 93–94
battery 106–107
extra System Folders 83
floppy disk 80, 126
fonts 147, 184
guests 208
RAM disk 100
registered users or groups 208
sounds 147, 166
System Folder items 147
repairing computer 27, 245
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 30
reset button 7, 17, 245
Restart command 17
restarting the computer 17–18
RAM disk and 100
Restart Printer command 187
hard disk 8, 12, 123–124
System Folder 125
Return key 57, 71, 244, 259
Revisable Form Text (RFT) format 265
safety instructions
battery 26, 28, 107
floppy disk 79
hard disk 27, 127
malfunction or damage 235
power adapter 2, 27, 28, 104, 229
RAM disk 99
SCSI devices 227
traveling 233–234
viruses 12, 94–95
Save As command 133, 140
Save command 57–58, 66, 140
in a directory 133
changes 65
documents 57–58, 133, 253
documents as templates 140–141
and quitting 68
scalable fonts 182
scanning order for startup disks 117
Scrapbook 98
background pattern, changing 168–170
battery and 101, 104, 109, 249
brightness control 5, 7, 32, 109, 245, 249
cleaning 28, 32
comfort tips 32
contrast control 5, 7, 32, 245, 249
external monitors 104
magnifying image on 170–172
opening 3
position of 3, 249
power consumption of 109
safety tips for 28
troubleshooting 5, 19, 245, 249
waking from sleep 13, 14, 19, 110
scroll bars 47–48
Index 289