15. Press the space bar once, type “are”, and then press the
space bar once again.
16. Move the I-beam pointer between the letters
t and h in
the word “they”.
17. Click the trackball button to place the insertion point.
18. Press the Delete key once and then type a capital T.
Save your work so far
The changes you’ve made so far are not part of Opening Lines
until you save them. You save them by telling the computer to
record them in the Opening Lines document that’s stored on your
hard disk.
It’s important to remember that no change is “official” until
you save it onto a disk. Your work could be lost if power to
the computer were interrupted or if a problem caused the
computer to stop working properly.
Choose Save from the File menu.
Save regularly, and save often.
Chapter 3: Creating and Changing a Document 65