
General Controls control panel 157, 168–170
General Controls panel
adjusting blinking rate 157
changing background pattern 168–170
setting time and date 149
Get Info command 97, 118, 141
graphics tablets 154
gray-scale documents, printing 179
groups, network. See registered group
guests. See also file sharing; network;
access privileges of 193, 194,
200–201, 215
connecting to a shared disk as 194, 196
denying access to 207–209
folder ownership of 197
program linking and 219, 220, 221
registered groups and 205
removing from a group 208
turning on 200–201, 202
hard disk. See also shared disks
access privileges for 214–215
backing up 6, 8–12, 119–122
battery consumption and 101, 104
capacity of 75
caring for 127
connecting to a printer 186
damage symptoms 113
deleting items from 71–72
designating as startup disk 116
external 117
finding items on 136–139
hard disk sleep 111
initializing (formatting) 76, 113–114
initializing printer 186
installing programs on 78–79, 82–83,
92, 94
overview 51, 75
reinstalling system software on 91, 93–94
restoring from a backup copy 8, 12,
safety tips for 27, 127
scanning order at startup 117
starting Macintosh Basics tour
from 20–23
as startup disk 16, 116–117
testing and repairing 127–130
transferring files from 143
troubleshooting 18, 114, 127–130,
virtual memory and 163–164
hard disk icon 41, 51, 75
failure to appear 127–128
opening 41
removing from desktop 126
hardware development support 238
HDI-30 SCSI System Cable 224, 226–227
headphones, connecting 230
health concerns 29–33
batteries and 28, 103
troubleshooting 246
Help 87–88, 176
Help menu
Hide Balloons command 88
Page Setup options and 176
Show Balloons command 87, 176
hidden windows, viewing 96
Hide Balloons command 88
Hide Others command 96
high-density floppy disks 9, 74, 75, 81, 252.
See also floppy disks
highlighting text 63–64
by double-clicking 68
with Shift key 67
horizontal scroll bar 47–48
I-beam pointer 62–63, 249. See also
arrow pointer
access privileges and 217
alias 134
arrangement of 131, 158
blinking 91, 117, 181, 250
changing appearance of 159–160
changing names of 70–71
282 Index