
Bitmap fonts (also called fixed-size fonts) appear only in certain
sizes, because each character is a grid of black-and-white dots
(called a bitmap), which is a rendering of the character’s shape in
a specific size.
For the best type quality when using bitmap fonts, your computer
needs a separate bitmap font in each size you want to display or
print, such as 12-point Times or 9-point Monaco.
Installing fonts
1. Quit all open programs.
2. Locate the font you want to install, and drag it to the
System Folder icon (not the System Folder window) on
your startup disk.
Fonts are supplied either as individual files (for individual
fonts) or in suitcases (for font families). To install an entire
font familiy, drag its suitcase to the System Folder. If you want
to install an individual font within a family, open the
appropriate suitcase to see the individual font files.
A message lets you know that the font will be stored in the
Fonts folder.
3. Click OK.
Chapter 11: Printing 183