5: Commands and Levels
quit connect line <control>
Sets the string used to quit the "connect line", "telnet", and
"ssh" commands.
The characters may be input as text or control.
A control character has the form <control>C.
Displays the current configuration.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Change to menu level for Telnet configuration and status.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
configure (config) level commands
Changes to the command level for ARP configuration and
Change to menu level for CLI configuration and status
Enters the diagnostics level.
Enters the discovery level.
Exits to the enable level.
Changes to the command level for ICMP configuration
and status.
Changes to the command level for ICMPv6 configuration
and status.
Changes to the interface configuration level.
Changes to the command level for IP configuration and
Kills Telnet session with index from "show sessions"
Displays system information.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Changes to the command level for SMTP configuration
and status.
Enters the configure-terminal level.
<line> = number of the terminal line (serial port) to be
Enters the configure-terminal level for the network.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
connect (tunnel-connect:1) level commands
Forwards (tunnels) network data in connect mode tunnel-
Discards all data coming in from the connect mode tunnel
before forwarding
it to the serial interface (generally used for debugging).
Forwards (tunnels) serial data in connect mode tunneling.
Discards all data coming in from the serial interface before
it to the connect mode tunnel (generally used for debug-
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 42