4 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Other publications in this set Preface
1.4 Other publications in this set
Xprint V7.0 - Application Programming Interface (API)
This manual is written for application programmers with a sound knowledge of
the C programming language who also have a basic knowledge of the adminis-
tration and general operation of Xprint V7.0 . API (Application Programming
Interface) allows the programmer access to the functions of the Xprint V7.0
system via a programming interface. This manual contains information on the C
functions and C data structures comprising the API.
Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual
This manual serves primarily as a reference book. It contains detailed infor-
mation on commands and the corresponding options.
Xprint V7.0 - Graphical User Interface
Mercator is the graphical user interface for Xprint V7.0. This manual gives an
introduction to the product and an overview of the functions available.