U23841-J-Z915-6-76 195
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering servers
Note that Xprint V7.0 creates a default server when you define a new supervisor
without specifying an associated server (xpadd -spv -se). Similarly, a default
server is created when you add a new printer without specifying a supervisor
(xpadd -dev -su). This default server is then assigned the name of the super-
visor or printer. It is only created if it does not yet exist in the system.
Copying and modifying a server
Using the xpcopy -srv command you can copy existing servers in the system
quite easily. This is useful if the new server is to have similar attributes to an
existing server. With the xpcopy -srv command, you define a new server on
the host on which you issue the command unless you specify another host with
the -ho option.
● Copy the relevant server
xpcopy -srv name_old_server name_new_server [modifications]
[-ho host_name]
For name_old_server specify the name of the server you want to copy.
For name_new_server specify the name of the new server. If the name already
exists, the command is rejected.
host_name represents the name of the remote host on which the server is to
be added. Only the Xprint V7.0 administrator can add a server on a remote
For modifications specify the modifications you want to make. For more
detailed information on possible modifications refer to the “Xprint V7.0 -
Reference Manual”. With the options -sp scheduling and -up user_privileges
you can define which scheduling policy applies and which users can assign
supervisors to the server (see section “Administering permission lists” on
page 143). See the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual” for more detailed
– You want to copy the server hudson and name the new server nashua, nashua
being controlled by host nile. Furthermore, you want the new server nashua
to process the smallest job first instead of the biggest job as is defined for
server hudson.
xpcopy -srv hudson nashua -ho nile -sp SMALL
xpchange -srv
nashua -st ACTIVE