
68 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Responsibilities Introduction to administering Xprint V7.0
A local Xprint V7.0 administrator has the same privileges as the system
administrator (see below), except for starting Xprint V7.0 and defining local
Xprint V7.0 administrators.
Xprint V7.0 administrator
The Xprint V7.0 administrator has absolute control over the Xprint V7.0
system throughout an entire Xprint V7.0 domain, i.e. over all the systems
defined in the Xprint V7.0 database. He/she can administer Xprint V7.0 from
any of these hosts, provided he/she is registered as a user of this host. The
only exception is starting Xprint V7.0 on a remote system that is exclusively
controlled by the local system administrator of that system.
The following figure illustrates the privileges of the different types of user with
respect to administering Xprint V7.0:
Figure 9: User privileges
This figure shows an example of a configuration of four hosts A to D and the two
printers 1 and 2. The Xprint V7.0 administrator is registered as a user on all
hosts and can therefore control the various objects of the Xprint V7.0 system
from every host. In the figure, the Xprint V7.0 administrator can administer all
the Xprint V7.0 objects in the Xprint V7.0 domain from host A, i.e. say the
printers 1 and 2, the Xprint V7.0 users and also the four hosts themselves.