U23841-J-Z915-6-76 227
Interoperability Administering gateways
7.4 Administering gateways
This section contains a brief description of the most important aspects of admin-
istering existing gateways.
The following table serves as a guide to the possible tasks involved in adminis-
tering gateways:
7.4.1 Configuring an additional connection from an
existing gateway
Once you have configured a connection from a local gateway to a remote
partner gateway, you can configure additional connections to other partner
gateways from the local gateway, provided those partner gateways use the
same network protocol (TCP or ISO). ISO is only available for users.
Furthermore, optimum functionality is only ensured if the print protocol is the
same (GIP2 or BSD). It is possible, for example, to configure another connection
to another BSD-UNIX system from a local gateway for which a connection to a
remote BSD-UNIX system already exists.
Also for configuring additional connections of a local gateway to other
partner gateways you must be logged in as the Xprint V7.0 administrator.
Only this administrator has the required privileges.
If you want to... Read...
add another connection to an existing
local gateway (only for Xprint V7.0
section “Configuring an additional
connection from an existing gateway”
on page 227
delete a gateway (only for Xprint V7.0
section “Deleting a gateway
connection” on page 229
deactivate a gateway (only for Xprint
V7.0 administrators, subroot and
section “Deactivating a gateway” on
page 230
reactivate a gateway section “Activating a gateway” on
page 232
obtain information on a gateway section “Obtaining information on a
gateway” on page 233
Table 29: Administering gateways