U23841-J-Z915-6-76 163
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering filters
For filter_name specify the name of the new filter. You must use a name
which does not yet exist in the system, otherwise the command will be
For command you must specify the path name of the executable file of the
filter program. The path name must be the same on all host computers on
which the filter is stored. If the absolute path name is not specified, the
executable filter file is searched for in the
directory/var/spool/Xprint/config/filters). If -cm (for command) is not
specified, the filter program name must be identical to the filter name.
For input_content_type specify the formats the slow filter accepts as input.
The names must not exceed 63 characters in length. This might be, for
example, an existing PCL, or a completely new input data format. If this
option is not specified, the system assumes that the filter accepts any input
data format.
With the option output_content_type you define the output data format
generated by the slow filter. Here too the name must not exceed 63
characters in length. If you do not specify this option, the system assumes
that the output type is the same as the input type, i.e. the filter does not
convert data but only implements special modes.
With options you can specify that defined names, attributes or variables are
passed on to the filter program for processing. The Xprint V7.0 options are
mapped by strings in the following format:
keyword pattern =replacement
There is only one blank between the context-sensitive keyword and the
pattern. The equals sign (=) is not enclosed in blanks. An equals sign within
the pattern must be escaped (by a preceding backslash \).
specifies what must be considered when the option is generated.
The permitted keywords are listed in the table in the “Xprint V7.0
- Reference Manual”. Each keyword represents context-sensitive
attributes which must match the pattern when the option is
defines when the option is to be generated. It may be a value, an
asterisk (*) or a regular expression. If pattern matches the actual
values extracted with the keyword, the option is generated.
Otherwise no option is passed on to the filter.