
50 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Selecting a print job Managing print jobs
The global ID consists of the name of the server which processes the print job
and a serial job number for this server. This ID can be used from any host on
which you are registered as a user.
The permanent ID is an extension of the local ID, intended to be unique in time,
i.e. never reused for another job. The permanent job ID is made of the client host
name, a counter that garantees the permanence of this identifier and the local
ID.Please refer to page 51 for a complete description of the permanent ID.
A job ID might, for example, read as follows:
In this example, 18 is the local job ID, se1 is the server name and 97 is the serial
job ID on this server.
You should note these IDs in case you need to access the print job before its
execution is completed. If you do not know the ID of the print job you want to
access, you can request a list of all your print jobs (see section “Displaying print
jobs” on page 55).
In addition, the print job is always assigned a job title, which is either the same
as that of the print file (in the case of a job with several files it is the name of the
first file), or which has been specified explicitly with the -jt job_title option.
If you select a print job via its identifier, you can use the number as well as the
job title.
This is illustrated by the following example:
xpadd -dr file1
XP000002: Job <18><se1:97> added
You can select this print job using the following methods:
xpstat 18
xpstat file1
xpstat se1:97
xpstat se1:file1
Note that, unlike the job ID, the job title is not always unique. If there are
several jobs with the same title, specifying this title selects all of them.
You can also use the wildcards * and ? when specifying the job title. These have
the same meanings as with UNIX commands. * represents any number of
characters, ? represents exactly one character. The following example selects
all the print jobs at the server se1 whose job title starts with da:
xpstat -job se1:da*