236 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Setting the language for the Xprint V7.0 system Installing Xprint V7.0
To configure a network of type TCP/IP you only need to add an entry to the file
/etc/services on each host in the network. This entry must have the identifier
Xprint V7.0_db; the connection number must be the same on all hosts:
Xprint V7.0_db 5999/tcp # Xprint V7.0 , the distributed print
The files /etc/hosts and /etc/services should at least have the access
rights -r--r--r--; otherwise Xprint V7.0 might not run smoothly.
8.3 Setting the language for the Xprint V7.0
The Xprint V7.0 NLS message files are located in the directory
/var/spool/Xprint/config/MSG. The subdirectories En and De contain the
messages in English and German. To select the desired language for the Xprint
V7.0 system, the shell variable LANG should be set to the correct value (En or De).
In addition, the complete path of the directory holding the Xprint V7.0 message
files (/var/spool/Xprint/config/MSG/%l/%N.cat) should be entered in the shell
variable NLSPATH.