152 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering fonts Configuring Xprint V7.0
xpchange -srv
6.8 Administering fonts
This section describes how to administer fonts in the Xprint V7.0 system. The
following table serves as a guide to this section:
6.8.1 Adding a font
The possible attributes of a new font depend on the PCL of the target
printer. The supported attributes can be displayed with the command
xpshow -pcl pcl_name -di LONG (see section “Displaying information on
Xprint V7.0 objects” on page 82).
There are two possible ways of defining a new font and adding it to the system:
you can either define a new font from scratch or you can copy an existing font
and modify the relevant attributes in this copy.
Defining a completely new font
● Check whether the PCL of the printer on which the jobs are to be printed with
the new font supports the desired attributes:
xpshow -pcl pcl_name -di LONG
● Add a new font to the system with the following command:
xpadd -fnt font_name attributes
where font_name is the name of the object in which you save the desired font
If you want to... Read...
add a font section “Adding a font” on page 152
delete a font section “Deleting a font” on page 154
modify the attributes of a font section “Modifying the attributes of a
font” on page 155
Table 16: Administering fonts