
8 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Mercator Introduction to Xprint V7.0
The application programming interface API enables applications to access
the Xprint V7.0 system via C function calls.
2.2 Mercator
Mercator is the graphical user interface for Xprint V7.0. It allows the adminis-
trator to have easy access to Host, Devices, Device groups and Job properties.
It also provides a quick overview of what is happening in the whole print domain
or a subset of it.
One can interface Mercator with several third party viewers, in order to preview
the pcl or PostScript files to print (Windows platforms only).
The User Guide gives you an introduction to the product. For more detailed
information, see the online help which is available for each window.
2.3 Xprint V7.0 R/3 kit
Xprint V7.0 can be optimally interfaced with SAP R/3 V4.x, and has been
certified by SAP as an Output Management System (certification BC-XOM).
The Xprint V7.0 R/3 kit offers the following advantages:
accurate and timely information on the print documents
real-time asynchronous status feed-back
tracking of documents
improved performance
better support of output devices
You can find more information on the Xprint V7.0 R/3 kit in the Xprint V7.0
Reference Manual.
2.4 Xprint V7.0 elements
This section describes the elements comprising Xprint V7.0 and the possibilities
Xprint V7.0 offers its users.