U23841-J-Z915-6-76 197
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering servers
● Deactivate the server:
xpchange -srv [selection] -st NOT_ACTIVE
For selection you can either specify a list of servers you want to deactivate,
or you can use the -scl “selection_criteria_list” option (see section
“Selection criteria list” on page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria
according to which the relevant servers are selected. If you do not specify
selection, all servers are deactivated.
● Delete the server:
xpdel -srv selection
You can also delete several servers at once via the selection criteria
lists mentioned above. In this case, however, you must make sure that
each of the servers is
– inactive
– not connected to a supervisor
– not processing any jobs.
6.15.3 Changing the status of a server
The status of a server can assume the values ACTIVE or NOT_ACTIVE or
SHUTDOWN; the spoolin status and the spoolout status can be either ON or OFF.
Proceed as follows:
● Find out the status of the server(s):
xpstat -srv [selection]
For selection you can either specify a list of the servers whose status you
want to display, or you can use the -scl “selection_criteria_list” option (see
section “Selection criteria list” on page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list
of criteria according to which the relevant servers are selected. If you do not
specify selection, the status of all servers is displayed.