180 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering PCLs Configuring Xprint V7.0
6.13.1 Adding a PCL
Adding a PCL via its unique name
● To add a PCL to the Xprint V7.0 system via its unique name, use the
following command:
xpadd -pcl pcl_name
-fi file_name
pcl_name represents the unique name in the entry of file_name and repre-
sents a list of attributes which must be processed in order to control the
attached printers, e.g. PROPRINTER or EPSON-FX.
file_name represents the absolute path name of the PCL file. If you do not
specify the absolute path name, Xprint V7.0 searches the Xprint V7.0
directory /var/spool/Xprint/config/PCL) of the specified host (see
option -ho). All the PCLs supplied with Xprint V7.0 by default are located
there in the xpterm file. If no file name is specified, Xprint V7.0 reads the
PCL definition from standard input stdin.
Adding a PCL from another host
If a PCL source file that you want to add to the Xprint V7.0 system is located on
a computer other than the local host, proceed as follows:
● Log in as the Xprint V7.0 administrator. Only he/she has the right to add a
PCL from another host.
● Now add the PCL using the following command:
xpadd -pcl pcl_name [-fi file_name] -ho host_name
where host_name represents the name of the host on which the PCL is
administered, and pcl_name is the unique name of the PCL. With -fi
file_name you can specify the file which contains the PCL definition.
– To add the standard PCL POSTSCRIPT to your system:
xpadd -pcl POSTSCRIPT -fi /var/spool/Xprint/config/pcl/xpterm
– To add your own PCL SELFDEFINED (which is located in the file
/xprint50/pcl_alternative/selfdef_hplj) to the system:
xpadd -pcl SELFDEFINED \
-fi /xprint50/pcl_alternative/selfdef_hplj