
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link 6-23
Guidelines for Configuring
Each 1788-ENBT communication daughtercard supports 32 I/O
connections. How you configure these connections determines how many
devices the daughtercard can support.
If you have two communication daughtercards, use one for communication
and the other for remote I/O. While one daughtercard can support both
functions, performance can improve by separating these functions onto
separate daughtercards.
Example 1: DriveLogix
Controller and Remote I/O
In the following example, one DriveLogix controller controls remote I/O
through a 1794-AENT module.
Example 1: Controlling remote devices
This example has DriveLogix1 controlling the I/O connected to the remote
1794-AENT module. The data the DriveLogix controller receives from the
remote I/O modules depends on how you configure the remote I/O modules.
You can configure each module as a direct connection or as rack optimized.
DriveLogix controller
1794-AENT with remote I/O