Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
3-6 Placing and Configuring the Drive
Communication Formats
The communication format determines the data structure, tag names, and
required links for communication to the drive. Each communication format
has been structured to meet the requirements of a specific type of application
(Speed Control, Position Control, or general purpose), and supports a
different data structure. The links within the PowerFlex 700S required to
support the selected format are also different. Any of the available
communication formats create one direct connection to the drive.
You select the communication format when you configure the drive module.
The default communication format for the drive is Velocity Control. The tags
are created as controller-scoped tags. The following tag structure shows the
Velocity Control format. The tag structure for this example’s drive connection
has the tag name of “drive_module”.