Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
B-4 Installing and Maintaining the Battery
1. Remove the front cover of the drive’s control assembly.
2. Upload the controller’s memory and program to a computer with
RSLogix 5000 programming software.
3. Turn off power to the DriveLogix controller.
4. Remove the side cover of the drive’s control assembly (not necesary for
high power drives).
5. Remove drive’s control assembly, if necessary.
6. Does the existing battery show signs of leakage or damage?
7. Remove the old battery, by unplugging the battery and cutting the cable
tie that holds the battery.
8. Install a new 1756-BA1 battery.
9. Attach the battery label. Write on the battery label the date you install
the battery.
If: Then:
Yes Before handling the battery, review Guidelines for Handling Lithium
Batteries, publication AG-5.4.
No Go to the next step.
Only install a 1756-BA1 battery. If you install a
different battery, you may damage the controller.
Cable Tie That
Holds Battery