Maintaining DSET Application
After installing the DSET application, you can modify the components that are installed. The application
maintenance window is available only when DSET application is permanently installed on your system.
You can also reinstall the corrupt files, registry keys, and shortcuts of the application.
Modifying Installed DSET Application Features
The installed features that can be modified are:
• DSET — Permanently installs DSET interface to generate reports for remote systems.
• Remote Provider — Permanently installs Remote Provider to allow reports to be generated from a
remote system against this system.
For Windows Operating System
To modify the components:
1. Click on the Dell_DSET_(Version Number).exe file.
The Application Maintenance window is displayed.
2. Select Modify and click Next.
The Select Features window is displayed.
3. Select one of the following options and click Next:
• Remote Provider
The Ready to Modify the Application window is displayed.
4. Click Next.
The Updating System window is displayed.
5. Click Finish to exit the DSET application.
The selected component is installed.
For Linux Operating System
To modify the installed components, run the ./dell-dset-lx(bit)-(Version Number).bin file at the shell
prompt. and choose the required option. You can Install another component(s). If DSET is already
installed in the system, then Remote Provider option is displayed to install. If Remote Provider is already
installed in the system, then DSET option is displayed to install.
For more information see Installing, Upgrading, and Running DSET Application On Linux Operating
To modify the installed components silently, run the ./dell-dset-lx(bit)-(Version Number).bin —qi <full/
provider/collector> file at the shell prompt. Depending on the components existing in the system and the
parameter passed in the command, the following table provides the modify options: